CPT Secure Services is a young company founded by Lucien Brink.

Having been surrounded by talented family members who were masters of their crafts from Carpentry and Mechanics to Plumbing and Boilermaking the foundation for a budding craftsman was laid at a very early age. Lucien developed a very keen eye for detail and a strong passion for crafting things with his hands. He worked alongside a qualified Boilermaker during his spare time throughout his teenage years all the while picking up the various tricks of the trade. He realized that he would inevitably end up earning a living with his hands at some stage in his life

 As you may very well know, life is what happens when one makes other plans and despite his love for creating things, life had other plans for Lucien. It led him to a very promising career in the security side of Information Technology, a field in which he quickly gained the respect of his peers and superiors. Lucien spent 13 years in the Information Technology field until the calling to do more than just sit behind a desk and push buttons on a keyboard became too much to bear. With precision workmanship and functional efficiency in mind, combined with a perfectionist's eye for detail CPT Secure Services was born.

CPT Secure Services is BBBEE compliant company dedicated to equal opportunity.
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Tools of the trade: